Keyboard shortcuts


ToolPress This
Hand (panning tool)H
SelectionV or 1
RectangleR or 2
DiamondD or 3
EllipseO or 4
ArrowA or 5
LineL or 6
DrawP or 7
TextT or 8
Insert image9
EraserE or 0
Frame toolF
Laser pointerK
Pick a color from the canvasI or Shift + S or Shift + G
Edit line/arrow pointsCtrl + Enter
Edit text / add labelEnter
Pick a color from canvasEnter or Shift + Enter
Finish editing (text editor)Esc or Ctrl + Enter
Curved arrowA + click + click + click
Curved lineL + click + click + click
Add a new line (text editor)Q
Prevent arrow bindingCtrl
Add/ Update link for a selected shapeCtrl + K


To Do ThisPress This
Zoom inCtrl + +
Zoom outCtrl + -
Reset zoomCtrl + 0
Zoom to fit all elementsShift + 1
Zoom to selectionShift + 2
Move page up/downPgUp or PgDn
Move page left/rightShift + PgUp or Shift + PgDn
Move the page up/downF
Zen modeAlt + Z
Snap to objectsAlt + S
Show gridCtrl + '
View modeAlt + R
Toggle themeAlt + Shift + D
Stats for nerdsAlt + /


To Do ThisPress This
Move canvasSpace + drag or Wheel + drag
Reset the canvasCtrl + Delete
CutCtrl + X
CopyCtrl + C
PasteCtrl + V
Paste as plaintextCtrl + Shift + V
Select allCtrl + A
Deep select within the box, and prevent draggingShift + click
Deep selectCtrl + click
Deep select within box, and prevent draggingCtrl + drag
Copy to clipboard as PNGShift + Alt + C
Copy stylesCtrl + Alt + C
Paste stylesCtrl + Alt + V
Send to backCtrl + Shift + [
Bring to frontCtrl + Shift + ]
Send backwardCtrl + [
Bring forwardCtrl + ]
Align topCtrl + Shift + Up
Align bottomCtrl + Shift + Down
Align leftCtrl + Shift + Left
Align rightCtrl + Shift + Right
DuplicateCtrl + D or Alt + drag
Lock/unlock selectionCtrl + Shift + L
UndoCtrl + Z
RedoCtrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z
Group selectionCtrl + G
Ungroup selectionCtrl + Shift + G
Flip horizontalShift + H
Flip verticalShift + V
Show stroke color pickerS
Show background color pickerG
Decrease font sizeCtrl + Shift + <
Increase font sizeCtrl + Shift + >