What is Operate?

Operate, the second of the Four Pillars of Feature Management, encompasses feature flag use cases that improve the operational health of your application. It entails making feature flags a mission-critical piece of your operations. As deployment speeds and infrastructural complexity go up, so does the need for operational safeguards. Feature management is that safeguard.

Teams that use feature flags via a feature management platform reduce risk and ensure customers remain satisfied with their service. They dramatically cut down on serious incidents. For example, as previously cited, Honeycomb has a “change fail rate” of just 0.1% , a feat shared only by the world’s most elite software teams. And the company cites its use of LaunchDarkly as a big reason for its exceedingly low failure rate.

But even when teams that rely on feature management do face incidents, they recover much faster than they would otherwise. For example, you may recall that Atlassian improved its mean time to restore  service (MTTR) hours by 97%  after using LaunchDarkly.

In Operate, teams are better equipped to meet their service level objectives (SLOs) and deliver the 100% uptime customers expect. The primary use cases of the Operate pillar include:

  • Kill switches and circuit breakers
  • Dynamic configurations
  • Service metrics (reactive monitoring)
  • Safe migrations

For all you DevOps engineers, site reliability engineers (SREs), software architects, and other ops professionals who feel left out of the feature flag discussion, this pillar is for you.

What is the goal of Operate?

The main goal of Operate is to improve the operational health of your application and infrastructure through feature flags. Operate helps software teams maintain high system stability, reliability, and availability, thus giving developers the confidence to ship code faster.

Kill switches and circuit breakers

Feature flags can be used as kill switches and circuit breakers. Both allow you to disable broken parts of your application instantly. Where they differ is in the duration they stay in your code. A kill switch is generally considered a temporary or short-term feature flag. It’s something you use in, say, a product launch. A circuit breaker, on the other hand, is a more permanent, long-term flag.

Example of a kill switch

Let’s say you release a compute-heavy feature, and it causes latency issues. If you’ve attached a kill switch to this feature, then you can shut it off as soon as you detect the problem. One person toggles a feature flag—that’s it. Compare that to the pain of several people across multiple teams scrambling to change config files, restart the app for all users, perform hotfixes, do cumbersome rollbacks, and so on and so forth.

Kill switches give teams the confidence to release more frequently. For they know that if something goes wrong, they can click a button, and the problem is solved.

Once you’ve released a feature to all the intended users and are confident in its performance, we suggest removing the kill switch for that feature. Otherwise, technical debt will start accruing.

Kill switches give teams the confidence to release more frequently. If something goes wrong, they can click a button, and the problem is solved.

Example of a circuit breaker

You insert feature flags as circuit breakers, or control points, in areas of your code where you suspect an error might occur. The incident you’re predicting might not happen today, it might not happen tomorrow, it might not happen ever. But if it does, it could set off a series of bad outcomes.

For example, microservices architectures often rely on various third-party services. If one of these services goes down, it can wreak havoc on your system and, consequently, your user experience. But if you attach circuit breakers (feature flags) to each third-party service, you can quickly disable a service that has suffered an outage. As such, you take what could have been a catastrophe and reduce it to a modest bump in the road.

Kill switches and circuit breakers give you more control over your application. They play a big part in enabling teams to move fast safely. What’s more, they span all of the Four Pillars of Feature Management and are present in all the other use cases of Operate.

For example, when we talk about using kill switches and circuit breakers, we’re describing dynamic configurations.

Dynamic configurations

Feature flags allow you to change configurations on the fly. This means you can change the behavior of your application without having to deploy new code, thus avoiding an application restart. If you’ve placed feature flags strategically throughout your code, then you can control your features in real-time. Dynamic configurations come in handy for things like API rate limiting, load shedding, and adjusting log levels.

Feature flags allow you to change the behavior of your application in real-time without having to deploy new code.

API rate limiting when your APIs are getting slammed

Typically, when your API is getting throttled, say, from a DDoS attack, to block the offending domain, you have to change a configuration and then redeploy your application. Meanwhile, the bad actor continues slamming your API and disrupting your service.

But if you assign a multivariate feature flag  to your rate limiting rules, you can adjust your rate limit during an attack instantly and automatically. Once a domain hits your API enough times, it will trigger your circuit breakers to deny access to the bad actor. Again, in this way, feature management enables you to maintain system availability for all customers.

You can also use dynamic configurations for more pleasant rate-limiting purposes.

API rate limiting based on customer tier

You can also use multivariate flags and targeting rules  to serve up different rate limits to different customer tiers. For example, you may offer 600 requests/minute to premium customers, 60 to standard ones, and five to free-version users. Any time someone signs up for, say, a premium subscription, the relevant feature flag will automatically set the appropriate rate limit. In this case, feature flags significantly improve your operational efficiency. We know this to be true because this is precisely how we manage our API rate limits in LaunchDarkly.

Also worthy of note, this particular rate limiting example fits into the Empower Pillar, in that it employs feature flags for entitlements

Adjust logging levels on the fly

You can also use long-term operational flags to dynamically configure the mode of your server logs. For example, if your observability tool shows a spike in errors, the multivariate flag you’ve created will change the logging level from WARNING to DEBUG automatically and in real-time. This helps you find and resolve the source of the problem faster. And it also enables you to better regulate your server logs. After all, you don’t want your app generating verbose logs any longer than it has to.

Everything we’re describing in the Operate Pillar is much easier to do with a centralized feature management platform  like LaunchDarkly. For example, LaunchDarkly integrates with several observability and application performance monitoring (APM) solutions  such as AppDynamics, Datadog, Dynatrace, Honeycomb, New Relic, and SignalFX. These integrations help you measure how each feature affects key service metrics such as response times and error rates.

Service metrics (reactive monitoring)

When you pair a feature management platform with your observability and APM tools, it allows you to detect incidents faster and react to them in real-time.

Find the cause of an incident with feature flags

Imagine you’re seeing a surge in error rates. This metric event will trigger LaunchDarkly to send feature flag event data to your observability and monitoring tools. Depending on the tool you’re using, you’ll see those events displayed alongside performance graphs. This, in turn, helps you quickly pinpoint which recent feature rollout, if any, impaired your service. In this way, feature management helps you rapidly determine the root cause of an incident.

This is half of the reason why LaunchDarkly customers are able to consistently lower their MTTR. The other reason is, once they find the source of the problem, they can fix it immediately with a kill switch.

Pairing a feature management platform with your observability and APM tools allows you to detect incidents faster and react to them in real-time.

Consider another example.

Load shedding

You can also use feature flags for things like “load shedding”. Imagine the response times on your website have exceeded a certain threshold. Perhaps an unusual number of users have visited your site. Let’s further assume that you’ve integrated your observability and monitoring tools with LaunchDarkly. Finally, let’s say you’ve created a long-term feature flag that instantly disables non-essential services when toggled off.

The moment the metric event occurs, LaunchDarkly will be alerted to the issue and automatically put your website in a degraded or reduced service mode. While this is not ideal, it does allow you to avert the disaster of your website crashing. You keep the service running while you debug and troubleshoot. You can enable these automatic feature flag changes via Flag Triggers  in LaunchDarkly.

Ultimately, tracking key service metrics alongside feature flag events improves the overall stability, reliability, and availability of your service.

Safe migrations

Feature management—and the feature flags that fuel it—also enables ops teams to perform safer infrastructure migrations.

Microservices migration

When adopting a microservices architecture, many unforeseen issues can arise. But if you employ kill switches at each stage of the migration, you can turn off a defective service the moment it starts acting up. This alone removes a good deal of risk in a systems migration. And it reduces the odds of you defaulting on your SLOs.

Database migration

When moving to a new database, you can use feature flags to perform a gradual rollout of the new system. For example, at the start of the migration, you can route 100% of ‘read’ and ‘write’ events to the old database, while duplicating 10% of the write events and then pushing them to the new database. As you monitor performance and see that your system has remained stable, you can then move to the next phase of the rollout, until 100% of events are funneled to the new system.

In this case, you would have performed a targeted percentage deployment. But instead of gradually rolling out new functionality to customers, you’re routing data to a database. And if your application performance suffers during any part of the migration, you can halt the rollout with a kill switch.

Such an approach is safe and controlled. In fact, we followed this very process when switching databases at LaunchDarkly .

Cloud migration

Migrating your infrastructure from an on-premises data center to a cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform is a stressful undertaking. But feature flags bring ease, safety, and predictability to the project. For example, TrueCar migrated 500 websites to Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud with the help of LaunchDarkly.

As with the database example, TrueCar used feature flags and targeting rules to control the flow of web traffic between its legacy and cloud systems. The team would gradually increase the flow of traffic to the cloud when it became clear that it was safe to do so. They also used LaunchDarkly to route web traffic by request type. For example, web searches for “new cars” might have been associated with a cloud database, while searches for “used cars” were tied to the legacy system.

Feature flags simplified these complex routing rules. Moreover, LaunchDarkly’s simple and clean user interface made it easy to manage the vast sprawl of web traffic flows. In the end, TrueCar completed its cloud migration with zero downtime due to infrastructure problems.

“Business users and application software engineers used LaunchDarkly’s A/B testing framework to manage traffic flows across the whole infrastructure. For that and many other reasons, TrueCar’s AWS migration was the smoothest, most uneventful of any I’ve ever managed.”

Regis Wilson


Regis Wilson details his experience using LaunchDarkly for the cloud migration in a blog post he wrote . You can also read the full TrueCar case study . Lastly, you can learn best practices for infrastructure migrations in our LaunchDarkly Guides .

Feature management equips you with far more control over infrastructure changes than you would have otherwise. And it virtually wipes out risk in the process.

Summary: The benefits of Operate

When software teams engage in the core practices of the Operate pillar of feature management, they purge their operations of risk. This is especially true of those who use LaunchDarkly in conjunction with their monitoring and observability stack. Such teams achieve greater system stability, even as developers ship more frequently. In fact, the safeguards of feature management enable this increase in speed.

In Operate, teams experience fewer system failures; and when failures do occur, they recover faster—often in minutes, if not seconds. Lastly, adherents of Operate preserve customer loyalty and trust. It’s hard to put a price tag on that.



通过特性管理平台使用特性标志的团队降低了风险,并确保客户对他们的服务保持满意。他们大大减少了严重事件的发生。例如,正如之前引用的,Honeycomb的“变更失败率”仅为0.1% ,这一成就只有世界上最精英的软件团队才能共享。该公司将其极低的失败率归功于使用LaunchDarkly。

但即使依赖特性管理的团队确实面临事件,他们的恢复速度也比以往快得多。例如,你可能还记得,Atlassian在使用LaunchDarkly后将其平均恢复服务时间 (MTTR)提高了97%


  • 杀伤开关和断路器
  • 动态配置
  • 服务指标(反应性监控)
  • 安全迁移





















但如果你对速率限制规则分配了一个多变量特性标志 ,你可以在攻击期间立即并自动调整你的速率限制。一旦域名足够多次击中你的API,它将触发你的断路器以拒绝不良行为者的访问。同样,在这种情况下,特性管理使你能够为所有客户维护系统的可用性。



你还可以使用多变量标志和目标规则 为不同的客户层级提供不同的速率限制。例如,你可能为高级客户提供每分钟600个请求,为标准客户提供60个,为免费版本用户提供5个。任何时候有人注册,比如说,高级订阅,相关的功能标志将自动设置适当的速率限制。在这种情况下,特性标志显著提高了你的运营效率。我们知道这是真的,因为这就是我们在LaunchDarkly中管理API速率限制的方式。




我们在运营支柱中描述的所有内容都可以通过像LaunchDarkly这样的集中式特性管理平台 更容易地完成。例如,LaunchDarkly与几个[可观察性和应用程序性能监控(APM](https://xn–(apm-kg1go6a888akhfjby22ada668hkl1dc4e62n431ag86a/))解决方案集成,如AppDynamics、Datadog、Dynatrace、Honeycomb、New Relic和SignalFX。这些集成帮助你测量每个功能对关键服务指标如响应时间和错误率的影响。










当指标事件发生时,LaunchDarkly将被提醒到问题,并自动将你的网站置于降级或减少服务模式。虽然这不是理想的,但它确实允许你避免网站崩溃的灾难。你在调试和故障排除时保持服务运行。你可以通过LaunchDarkly中的Flag Triggers 启用这些自动特性标志更改。








这种方法是安全和可控的。实际上,我们在LaunchDarkly切换数据库时 正是遵循了这一过程。







Regis Wilson


Regis Wilson在他的一篇博客文章 中详细介绍了他使用LaunchDarkly进行云迁移的经历。你还可以阅读完整的TrueCar案例研究 。最后,你可以在我们的LaunchDarkly指南 中学习基础设施迁移的最佳实践。



